Wednesday, May 25, 2011

On a more serious note

The ditties I've been writing have been strictly for fun, and dashed off rather quickly. Please note, though, that they not only have rhyme but also have a rather strict meter. When I was a kid, and again while at BYU, I engaged in poetry writing of a more serious bent. Here's one that Tim found in an old box somewhere. Note the sing song rhythm to this one, and try to figure out why I used that.

Falling Leaves
She's old now and haggard, she waits of so softly,
She rests now and sighs, waiting for night;
Yellow-white rays through leaves set to rustling
By breezes, make shimmer the leaves in their light;
Green leaves, new life; yet so soon to be browning,
Soon to be browning, while she waits in the light;
The leaves fall to earth, brown and crumpled come falling;
The old woman rests now, and waits for the night.