Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Make Way for the Baby Parade

This month was a little rocky for our little family, but fortunately we were lucky enough to have family come for two separate weeks to help us out.  Now the three of us are settling into our roles and routines and are slowly coming to get to know one another.  Our tiny little girl is showing her own personality and she is on the verge of smiling everyday.  She is so inquisitive, loves watching everything, tries so hard to hold her head up, and loves getting kisses.  She also loves her daddy's beard.  I still can't believe we are parents and that we aren't just babysitting this little one.  My favorite time of day with Addie is when she first gets up in the morning.  She is so alert and happy.  Ok, at first it's not my favorite time of day because I would love to keep sleeping...But once I unswaddle her, pull her out of her bassinet, give her a hug, watch her stretch, and look into her eyes...Suddenly I am ok with being awake at 7 am... After being awake several times through the night already.

Enough of my half asleep babble and onto what you all want.  Pictures!

Adelaide's One Month Photo shoot:

As of today Adelaide is 22 and 1/4 inches long, her head is 37 centimeters, and she weighs (drum roll please) NINE pounds!  That is one ounce over birth weight, finally!

Ok, Addie, we can be done now...

1 comment:

  1. Such a cutie! I love the photos with the elephant (especially the last one, lol!)
