Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So. I "linked in" per Allie's invitation. I'm now linked in. I'm linked in as Sharon DeGriselles. I give up. No more invites please.


  1. Sorry if any of the invites were from me...my boss invited me and since I "joined" it sent invites to everyone in my address book (whether I wanted it to or not). I am not really sure how the linked in thing even works but supposedly it's suppose to be good for when you are looking for a job, not sure though.

  2. It can be the first place a potential employers looks when you apply for a job. I know people that wont look at your application if you don't have a linked in. Plus, awesome thing, your connections can write you references on there so employers don't have to call around on a reference list anymore.

    Dad should probably get one too.

  3. Dan you are actually linked in as Dgdegriselles not like me who always has to sign in as "Love MOM" because I'm linked in as dgdegriselles. So don't worry. Love MOM
