Wednesday, September 14, 2011

More baby photos!!!!

I love these little leggings from Grandpa Bergera and Annette, so cute!

What a stinkin cutie! I LOVE the smile!!

Abby and my sisters little puppy. Abby wasn't quite sure if she liked the puppy or not, lol!

With my baby girl getting bigger and smarter every day I decided I better take a moment to write about what she is up to....

First off, my baby has 5 teeth now! I still find it hard to believe she is getting big enough for teeth let alone, 5! She has three on bottom (front two and one on her right side) and two on top (not the middle two but the next two back). She is teething like crazy now and though she is a little more fussy then she has been before she is still so silly and funny and just LOVES smiling and laughing and talking!

Abby is EVERYWHERE now days! She is crawling all over the place, up and down stairs (with supervision mind you) from this room to that room, getting into everything, making a mess and though I don't really love cleaning up after her (like that will ever end, lol!) I LOVE that my baby girl is growing and getting so smart and just loves to explore.

Some of the fun things that make Abby laugh...
  • When we imitate dog or cat sounds
  • Singing to her and making goofy faces while we do it
  • Tickling her! She is so ticklish (just like her daddy) and I love it!!!
  • Peek-a-boo or hide-in-seek, she espeically loves it when her daddy puts a sheet on her head and Abby will pull it off and we say "Boo!"
  • One of our newest games is I will hold Abby and look around and say, "Where is my Abby?" and she will smile and almost laugh and then I look at her and say, "There she is!" and she will just laugh and laugh and laugh!! I love it!
She is just so much fun and Matt and I know we are so incredibly blessed to have her in our life. She makes the sun rise and fall for us and brings so much joy. Matt and I joke about how good she looks in yellow with her blond hair but really she is our sunshine and we just don't how we got so lucky. We love you Abby girl!

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