Sunday, February 12, 2012

Labor Pains

If you haven't heard yet, then hear is the news. Allison went into to the hospital today around 5:00pm after about 6 hours of contractions getting closer together until they were about 3 minutes apart or less lasting about a minute. At about 7:00pm she was dilated to 3cm and they broke her water. Around 8:00pm she had the epidural placed. It's now currently 9:59pm and she is laying down trying to get some rest before everything else happens. We were hoping for the baby to before 12:00am so she could be 2/12/12 but I guess we could settle for her to be born on 2/13/12 at least it's not valentines day (so she hasn't broken the rule on when she can't be born). We now just play the waiting game, all of the nurses keep saying that since this is our first it is going to take a long time for her to be born. So when ever she feels like making her appearance we'll be here and ready... well as ready as we can be.

1 comment:

  1. Ain't no such thing as ready, son! Sometimes you just have to take it as it comes. In any case, We're tremendously excited for the two of you, and can't wait to see the three of you this week. Tell her to hang in there. Our prayers are with you, as always.
