Thursday, February 16, 2012

Adelaide at Home.

Last night was Adelaide's first night at home... which means Allison didn't get any sleep. We got home around 4:30, by 10:00 we felt like it was 3 in the morning. Allison was gracious enough to let me sleep periodically for about an hour here and there, she on the other hand didn't get sleep until around four in the morning and those were just quick cat naps between feedings. This morning we called the doctor about Addie's lack of feeding (when it was time for feeding she wouldn't eat she would just snuggle up and sleep) they told us to come in and get her weighed and they would check her out. It turns out that she had lost a pound since she was born and didn't have the energy to eat so she would just sleep. We were told to pump after each feeding and to give what ever we pumped from the last feeding to help her gain the weight back. Since then she has been eating a little better, she has taken the extra food well and is sleeping better. Tonight Allison's parents and her grandparents arrived to stay for the weekend to see this new addition and shower her with care and love (which will hopefully mean some more sleep for us). Now whats a post about Adelaide without some pictures and a video.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to post over your post! I love to see pictures of Adelaide! She is such a cutie, I just want to kiss her chubby cheeks! I am so sorry that she was having a hard time eating, but at least you were able to get help! I hope you get some sleep, but I kindda know you won't. I love you guys a lot and keep sending pictures (she is soooo cute)!
