Sunday, September 18, 2011

Be Prepared

Since school started, Tim and I have been scrambling with meals (which is difficult because I'm ALWAYS hungry!)  We spend all day Mon-Thurs on campus.  We wait for each other at the Institute, which is nice because we have a place to store our food.  We also get two free meals a week there, but that isn't enough.  We are very tired of sandwiches and don't have enough time throughout the week to make anything else. 
4 quarts of Spaghetti Sauce
Saturday we slaved over a solution.  We made spaghetti sauce because it's versatile, making pasta is incredibly quick, and it will last us a while.  The chili and chowder wont last as long as the sauce will, but they should be hearty enough for a meal while we're at school.  We freeze them in meal size portions for two.  That way we can just grab one out of the freezer the night before, and viola, lunch is made!!
4 quarts of Chili
Miracles of miracles, we even managed to keep the kitchen clean while cooking, so we only had minor clean up after.  When we walked into the kitchen this morning, Tim and I had to wonder if yesterday even happened...There wasn't a trace of three meals being cooked in there yesterday, not even the trace of one...It was weird. 
4 quarts of Corn Chowder
Tim is just swamped with homework and I am plagued with no energy.  We are so excited and proud of ourselves for being prepared for the coming weeks. Oh yea!  And I made a batch of cookies yesterday because I've been itching to bake.  They we're delicious.

Aaaaaand...because my brother Matt asked "how pregnant" I am, here's how pregnant I am:
19 weeks down.

I put this stripy shirt on and Tim and I both were surprised, I guess there really is a bun in that oven.  I have even been able to feel her kick for about two weeks now.  It's a really really really weird feeling, but such an exciting experience!


  1. That's so crazy and cool! Took abby 20-21 before I felt her, looks like you may have one little ambitious girl on your hands.

