The day Matt's folks arrived we went over to their hotel in Lehi so mom and dad could meet Liam who they haven't had a chance to meet yet. It was so much fun just spending the evening with them as they got to see Liam and play with Abby. Matt's brother Aaron drove down from Salt Lake to spend the next couple of days with them and Matt's sister drove up from Springville to hang out.
On Thursday, April 25th we spent the day swimming at the hotel, eating delicious food and visiting with Danielle at her new apartment.
On Friday, April 26th we attended Matt's graduation from Utah Valley University. Matt received his Bachelors of Science in Accounting and I couldn't be more proud of him! Though he actually earned his degree in December they only do one graduation ceremony a year which is held in April. Abby did really good through the whole ceremony and when her daddy walked she was clapping like crazy, it was so much fun! (Matt's dad took a bunch of really good photos of Matt in his cap and gown that I will post as soon as I can!)
On Saturday, April 27th we went to the Thanksgiving Point Gardens for their Tulip Festival. We walked around for hours looking at all the beautiful flowers. The last time Matt and I went to The Gardens was before Abby was born so it was fun to go back and this time with my two kids. Liam slept the whole time, lol, but Abby had a ball! The weather was perfect, not too hot but warm enough we all go a little sun!
Later Saturday night we had Liam's baby blessing at the clubhouse at my sisters condo. We had a lot of family come out to support us, we are definitely blessed! Matt gave a wonderful blessing to Liam and I am just so thankful he is a worthy priesthood holder. I think it is something you can take for granite and I try not to.
On Sunday, April 28th Matt's folks stopped by our place for a few minutes before they took off back to California. We LOVED visiting them and hope to see them again real soon!