Well two things actually...
1) We have our final Christmas plans! After going back and forth on what to do and whether we'd be able to leave this day or that day we have come to a conclusion. Now the second bit of news is really how we came to the conclusion for our first bit of news but I will go into that later. Our plans for Christmas are as follows (with hopefully no more changes):
We will leave Utah on Sunday, December 23rd bright and early! It's just a good thing we are all use to getting up early because we are gonna try to leave by 7am. We should hopefully be in Apple Valley no later then 5pm, we are keeping our fingers crossed! Upon arrival we expect to relax and of course catch up with everyone...oh and for Abby to have lots of cousins to play with!
We then plan on spending Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday spending time with family, creating new memories, enjoying delicious food, opening presents, and whatever else is thrown at us. As mentioned in a previous post we are game for whatever everyone else wants to do so bring on the fun!
Lastly we plan on leaving on Thursday, December 27th (aka Sarah's big day). If we could stay longer (at least to celebrate the day) we would but Matt and I both need to get back to work, gotta save up those vacation days for some little thing happening in March. Oh and I believe the plan is for Danielle to come home with us. But that's it, we are excited we get to extend our trip by a day and that we have our plans in stone. For anyone that knows me having to be in limbo this long has not been fun!
This brings me to our second bit of news...
2) Matt got a promotion! It's a funny story because we have been applying to jobs for quite awhile now. Matt's likes the company he works for but just doesn't make the kind of money he deserves (or that we need to make ends meet). Well he got a job offer yesterday (Tuesday) and we were ecstatic! Today when he told his boss that he would need to put in his two weeks notice his boss told him she would try to match what they were paying him and give him paid time off and holidays. I think Matt and I were both taken a little back, definitely a huge compliment! After his boss talked to the CEO she found out that though she couldn't quite match the pay the other job was offering she could give him a pretty decent raise and paid time off and holidays. She also told Matt she would look at giving him another raise in a couple months. Well we had a tough choice to make, keep the job he has where he already has 6 months under his belt and he knows what he is doing and enjoys the people he works with or go with a new company that can pay slightly more but is unknown. Well after taking the day to think and pray about it Matt decided to stay with his current job and we are so excited! They are going to start paying him what he deserves which takes a lot of worry and stress off of us with little Liam on the way. This has also made it so we could finalize Christmas plans which makes us a lot happier as well. Oh and he will get holiday pay for Christmas which allows us to extend our trip by an extra day.
Well that is our news, we are just feeling so blessed right now and can't wait to see everyone in just a few short weeks.
We love you,
Matt and Britt